Tuesday Novice 2pm - Fall Two 2020

  • Chess
2622 San Pablo Ave, Berkeley, CA 94702, USA
Oct 06 2020
Nov 17 2020
Novice Tues.
  1. Sun 
  2. Mon 
  3. Tue2:00 - 3:00 pm
  4. Wed 
  5. Thu 
  6. Fri 
  7. Sat 


For players new to the game wanting to learn the basics.

Using a combination of Zoom and lichess.org, our instructors first give a lesson, consisting of solving puzzles and learning model games, and afterwards the students play each other in a private online tournament with the instructor supervising and encouraging.

Class dates

10/06/2020, 10/13/2020, 10/20/2020, 10/27/2020, 11/03/2020, 11/10/2020, 11/17/2020

Program enrollment capacity

Minimum: 1

Registration period

Registration starts on 09/15/2020.

In-person location

2622 San Pablo Ave, Berkeley, CA 94702, USA


Registration closed.