Early bird price expires on Apr 13, 2025 at 11:59 PM
This class is for advanced players. All participants must have previous chess experience and have mastered the intermediate level.
Immerse yourself in the exciting world of chess! Chess is fun and can be learned quickly and easily! Studies have found that chess helps improve test results in reading, science, and math, and produces growth in critical cognitive skills. Beyond academia, chess influences social behavior including self esteem, respect for others, patience, and good sportsmanship. And did we mention: it’s FUN!
This program includes a class and a USCF rated tournament each week.
All players must have a current USChess membership. You can purchase or renew a membership online at http://www.berkeleychessschool.org/uscf-membership/
Instructor: Stephen Shaughnessy, aka Mr. Chess
04/16/2025, 04/23/2025, 04/30/2025, 05/07/2025, 05/14/2025, 05/21/2025, 05/28/2025
Participants must currently be in grades 1 to 12.
Minimum: 10
Maximum: 20
Registration starts on 02/11/2025 and ends on 05/28/2025.
Room: 1st floor, when you enter it will be on the left side
Please contact The Berkeley Chess School if you have any questions.